Splattered Heart… By: Anonymous

 This painting has a lot of personal meaning to me, the black heart in the middle at one point represented my heart and the splatter paint on the outside is suppose to represent my feelings/emotions. I just got through a tough time in my life; I was in a lot of fake relationships and I was going through the motions of a being in a relationship (as represented by the splatter paint) but I was really not feeling anything on the inside (As represented by the black heart). In relation to the LGBTQ community, I was denying myself the relationships I really wanted out of shame/the desire to please someone I could not. The painting could also be interpreted in a more positive light; the black heart could be represented as a blank slate of sorts, and it in the process of letting in the love and relationships it wants/deserves (represented by the multicolored splatter paint). Always love/respect yourself regardless of any faults you think you have, and don’t let anyone else ever make you feel ashamed of loving whoever you do.
Love = Love regardless of gender or orientation.

Splattered Heart

Nude Drawings…By: Sophia Desrosiers

As controversial as it can be to see the human form displayed as raw as this, UAlbany Pride Alliance President, Sophia Desrosiers, has got some undeniable skills!  Displayed in their office are some truly eye-catching and conversation starting pieces! When I asked Sophia for the inspiration behind her drawings, she laughingly said:

“I just truly enjoy drawing the human form. I would love to draw live nudes, but porn models from the internet will have to do for now. That’s about it.” -Sophia


Help me understand… By: Lexx

I couldn’t understand.
Her eyes gazed at me.
She was definitely interested.
Play hard to get, I told myself.
I couldn’t understand.
Her smile tempted me to talk.
It was overwhelming.
I thought of so many other girls.
I couldn’t understand.
Why me?
Such a player.
I craved attention.
Her mouth spoke the words I always hear. “You’re cute.”
I couldn’t understand.
Her body was shaped how I desired.
Curvy, long and simply amazing.
Her walk had that very twitch that I admired.
I couldn’t understand.
Why me?
Is it because of my moves in the club?
Is it because the way I maintain my “swag?”
I still don’t understand.
I constantly ignored her.
I refused to let her get close to me.
I even insulted the thought of us talking and yet she still loved me.
Please help me to understand.
She wanted someone who would cheat on her.
Someone who wouldn’t give a fuck about her.
Someone who blatantly ignored her.
“As long as you look cute with me, who cares!”
I care.

Uh Oh… By: Anonymous

Uh oh.

She caught you.

Blue eyes – stunning, questioning – an eyebrow curved, wrinkling her brow slightly with the force of the gesture. Brown eyes – full of wonder – how can her eyes sparkle with just a giggle? How can her laugh ring so loudly in your ears? Brown eyes – darting back and forth, always landing back on her, pleading –
Love me, love me.

She caught you looking. Again.

You look down at the rickety, brown table in front of you. You look at other people gathered around you. There are study materials strewn everywhere, of which you were going to “study” from when your friends came down. But all of that was predictably thrown out the window when they came. You can’t concentrate on homework, so you settle for noticing your surroundings. You notice her, really.

And it’s not that you don’t notice your other friends. You pay attention to them, too. Every time you get a laugh though, there’s only one person you see. Her face a mystery to you, but her eyes tell all. It sends a shock down to your stomach – a butterfly gone mad. You want to be the one to make her happy. You keep cracking jokes. Some are hit and miss. Your gaze winds up moving to her lips. Not too full, not too thin. There is probably not a single thing you wouldn’t do for just one kiss – a cuddle, a hug. You’ve sworn yourself off these things. Why?

You can’t have her. It wasn’t your choice to have your first love be a straight woman. You’re trying so hard not to burden her with it. Not to make anything different – to not destroy the friendship. You touch her less. You don’t want to feel that shock. It’s like your entire body is shot by lightning when you touch her. Yet, your entire being, soul and ear, can hear the brontide of trouble brewing. You wish it would go away. There’s this constant cycle of tossing and throwing – not unlike a game of catch. Sometimes you catch the ball, and feel okay – great, even. Other times you toss it up and it spirals down, hitting your face with a resounding wham. The throb of your skull against your own head is as exhausting as the throb in your chest.

Hiding around her is impossible. Every emotion combines – melding and churning and burning. Keep laughing. Don’t look at her. Stay away from her eyes – they’re beautiful, beautiful traps. You’re getting tired. Your friends are becoming blends of each other. It’s so dizzying. You’re panicking. Where’s your smile? Don’t die down. But you can’t handle it anymore. It’s finally overwhelming you. You stand, your chair squealing its protests.
“I’m going to bed.”

They look at you, a sigh of disappointment. Everyone seems to follow suit, with agreements of “It is late”, or, “I have class in the morning”. You gather your stuff and burn holes into the floor with your eyes. Pain is everywhere, physical and emotional. Soon you’re in your room, blanket over you. You can feel your eyes closing. Even then, no matter how tired you are, there is this sense of loneliness – an urge for another being. You want to dream – dreams are an escape. You just hope you don’t dream of her tonight.

…Uh oh.

Quiet… By: Phylicia Coley

Enough with dating or not dating at all
Enough with the suggestions that you wish were commands
Enough with the food and money that is gone within a week
Enough with the assumptions
Enough with the hormones, it is not working
Enough with the cliques
Enough with the mistreatment
Enough with the abuse
Enough with the automatic mindset
Enough media, Enough Educational system, enough Church,
Enough government, enough economy, enough medical institutions
Enough with the choices I am supposed to have
Enough with the name “Disabled”
Enough because of my legs or brain
So you’re telling me there is no way for me to possibly get out of this building? Man Enough
Enough of the genocide
Enough of the discrimination
Enough with the name calling
I’m gay…move on
Enough with the secrecy
Enough with the anti-double standard. Bi is bi
Enough with the ridicule, ill love who I please
Enough with the two person relationships or no other person at all
Enough with the balls
Enough with sex
Enough with gender, I check both boxes
Enough with the thought that it’s a mental illness, nothing is wrong with me
Enough with controlling MY body
Enough with the needles, and metal objects
Enough with the tuition money, I need an education
Enough with the Dreams, make it a reality
Enough with the thought that racism is automatically between white and black
Enough with the gap
Enough with the class system, ill invent my own class
Enough with society, negating everything it possibly can.
Since when did government aid become a burden?
Enough with the stereotypes
Enough with the hands, touching and feeling whenever they please
Enough with the discrimination, I’m a woman and ill work if I want
This is an expression of my oppression!!!!
Enough with enough… I just need quiet!

Where to Go… By: Niedra Stevens

Hey all! My name is Niedra Stevens and I am the proud Co-President of the Pride Alliance Organization at Schenectady County Community College. I go by the name of Nai and I am delighted to share with you- a part of me. This piece is about being at a place in life where you might not be sure what your next move is; something we ALL can relate to! So enjoy my video “Where to Go” and be sure to type Nailoveify in YouTube’s search bar if you want more. Shout out to SUNY Albany for the love! Y’all be good now!

Painting by Kwarme Moore

Kwarme Moore
“I created this piece to depict the many times I have witnessed negativity being projected onto those who have become or are trying to become comfortable with who they are sexually. We as humans are in an age where we are capable of altering our appearances on the outside to better suit our feelings on the inside. In the LGBTQ culture, this ability has come along recently with the use of modern technology; making it so that a person’s gender is no longer identifiable. Despite being a gay male, the piece is not about me at all. And as the artist, I view my piece as more of an observation, not my own reality. It is my portrayal of the different emotions that seem to come along with being called out for being different. Different figures of many colors, surrounding a human whose gender is truly in question. The pain is evident, people just want to be happy peace and happiness should be available to everyone, but this is only possible through accepting differences. and in the end who are you of a different body, to tell another they cannot look the way the wish?”

Kwarme Moore

You can find this piece displayed in the office of the Pride Alliance, Campus Center 333.